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Opposite Bannikel on the northern side of the bay stands the ruined city of Kailigin. More than 2,000 years ago - roughly around the time of Bannikel's founding - Kailigin was utterly destroyed. Its buildings were put to the torch, its walls pulled down by siege, the surrounding forests clear-cut for miles around, and its canals and harbor filled with boulders and silt to ensure its uselessness to any would-be inhabitants. Kailigin's walls and remaining buildings stand apart from those of Bannikel, having been constructed by a different culture entirely, but the ruined city's architecture is vaguely reminiscent of styles found elsewhere in the Sabo Jungles (such as Straystown). The reason behind Kailigin's destruction remains a mystery, as does the identity of precisely who destroyed it.

The Mafenga don't speak of the city except as a cursed and haunted place, and then only when pressed on the issue, for its discussion remains a cultural taboo for them. The rubble suggests an early rival port city destroyed and eclipsed by its southern neighbor. If so, the merchant lords of Bannikel ensured their own continued success and the complete depopulation of their rivals because no traces remain of the culture that once dwelled there. Very few skeletons have ever been found, suggesting the population was exiled or absorbed - or that thousands upon thousands of corpses were dumped far out at sea. Explorers have encountered squatter tribes of Nchubbesfu, the occasional group of marooned sailors, and on moonlit nights, a barely audible whispering and the mysterious, untraceable sounds of clashing swords and running footsteps in the barren streets.
